Traveler, you have bested floors 1 and 2 of the Spiral Abyss and are ready to move on to the next challenge. But this domain gets progressively more challenging as it goes, so there’s no harm in being prepared in advance. Stay with us as we guide you through each floor, giving you the latest on Techniques, Suggestions, Enemy Info, Strategies, and Recommended Teams!
Floor 3
Leyline Disorder -
You can breeze through this floor by abusing the power of arguably the most powerful element in the game, Anemo!
Your Anemo damage will be increased, so your Anemo units can really shred here thanks to the Genshin Swirl Damage and AoE increase.
Team Compositions -
F2P Team: Traveler (Anemo), Lisa, Barbara, Xiangling/Kaeya
Recommended Teams -
For this floor, you must take 1 Main DPS, 2 Sub-DPSs, and 1 Support or 1 Sub-DPS and 2 Supports.
Character Level -
The enemies will be level 45, so we recommend you level your characters above level 45 as well. This is most important for your DPS Units.
Benedictions -
Choose any buff that will increase your total damage output.
Chamber 1
Your challenge is to defeat 23 enemies within 300 seconds.
Enemies -
Swirl is your biggest ally. Its damage boost is one you can abuse by causing this reaction at every possible turn. Effectively switch to other characters of different elements to aggravate it when Swirl kicks in.
The 3 Large Slimes might become a sticky business, so try to hurl them into the mix to make the most of Genshin Elemental Reactions.
Have you ever Yeeted foes off the genshin map? Well, now is the time to do it strategically. You can knock enemies out of the Arena and instantaneously kill them. This will save you a lot of time, so it's time to bring out Anemo Traveller, Jean, or Heizou!
Hilichurl Shooters are such a pain in the neck, so Yeet them off the edges (close to where they’ll spawn) because they surely aren’t going to come to you. Remember that Sword wielders can use their Normal Charged Attack to knock enemies back too.
Chamber 2
You must defeat 17 enemies within 300 seconds.
Enemies -
Simply round up all your foes and decimate them with Elemental Bursts! Clearing this with 180 seconds to spare might prove difficult, so either pull out all the stops or come back later.
Yeeting enemies off the Arena works here too!
Use your Attacks to hurl enemies to oblivion and use your skills wisely.
Chamber 3
Just defeat 2 enemies within 300 second. Not as easy as it sounds!
Enemies -
Overload and Superconductor will save the day by dealing extra damage and lowering enemy defenses retroactively. So don’t hesitate to apply genshin pyro characters, genshin cryo characters, or genshin electro characters, buff them with Swirl, and dish out damage.
Do not try to tank the Ruin Guard’s Spin Attack. Start running and maintain a safe distance when it does, all while keeping an eye on your Stamina. If possible, shoot its eye with a Bow Wielder to stun it. If you have a very chunky shield, you may tank it.
Floor 4
Leyline Disorder -
It's all about Electro and its reactions here!
Your Electro damage will be increased, so your Electro and Hydro units can wreak havoc here thanks to Electro-Charged!
Team Compositions -
F2P Team: Traveler (Electro), Lisa, Barbara, Xiangling/Kaeya
Recommended Teams -
Take 1 Main DPS, 2 Sub-DPSs, and 1 Support OR 1 Sub-DPS and 2 Supports.
Character Level -
Your enemies will be level 50, so it's recommended that you level your characters above level 50. Prioritize your DPS Units!
Benedictions -
Prioritize buffs that give ATK boosts and Elemental Mastery, allowing you to maximize your damage.
Chamber 1
Just Defeat 23 Enemies!
Enemies -
Genshin’s combat is built on Elemental Reactions, so maximize the use of Superconduct and Overload here. You can deal really high damage early, all while handling the mobs better.
The Hydro Slime and Cryo Hilichurl Shooter really work well together to freeze you in place, so take out the Cryo Shooters first.
Hydro Abyss Mages are a real pain in the neck, so use Cryo or Electro Skills to break their Shields and burst them down with your ultimates.
Chamber 2
Defeat 23 enemies. Easy?
Enemies -
The Enemies’ priority is the Ley Line Monolith, around which they spawn. Basically, keep them away from the Monolith using your abilities and defeat them fast.
Ranged enemies are still a major pain, so prioritize the Mages and Hilichurl Shooters. Afterward, make quick work of the Melee mobs.
Use Skills that draw Aggro to make the enemies focus on you instead, because the Monolith is quite fragile. Also, CC skills work wonders here!
Chamber 3
Aim to defeat 7 enemies or complete the challenge within 300 seconds.
Enemies -
The Hydro Samachurl and Cryo Hilichurl Shooter are here to ruin your day with endless Freeze! So please take them out first!
The two Hydro Abyss Mages will endlessly trap you in Bubbles unless you break their Shields fast. Cryo or Electro attacks are the best for the job, so whittle them down ASAP!
Floor 5
Leyline Disorder -
Healers and Shielders are the way to go on this floor. Try to take one Shielder or one Healer for each half to keep your HP up all the time.
Team Compositions -
F2P Team: First Half - Traveler (Anemo), Amber, Xiangling, Noelle
Second Half - Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara, Diona
Recommended Teams -
First Half -Take 1 Main DPS, 2 Sub-DPSs, and 1 Support OR 1 Sub-DPS and 2 Supports, just like usual.
Character Level -
Your foes will be level 55, so best level your characters above level 55 as well. Prioritize your DPS Units as usual.
Benedictions -
Any kind of damage buff will do the trick, so choose wisely depending on your team!
Chamber 1
Defeat 20 enemies in the first half and 3 enemies in the second half.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
For the first half, get rid of the Electro Hilichurl Shooters first because they are really good at interrupting you.
The Cryo Slimes are weak to Pyro, so set them ablaze!
The big Cryo Slimes can trap you with a Cryo cage, so burn them with Pyro ASAP!
In the second half, use Hydro to make quick work of the Pyro Abyss Mage Shields and burst them down with your ultimates.
Chamber 2
You must defeat 13 enemies in the First Half and another 13 enemies in the Second.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
The Mechanical device in the Arena will apply the Cryo and Pyro status effects respectively to foes in each half.
Effectively use Pyro to dish out Melt damage in the first half and utilize Hydro to deal Vaporized damage in the second half.
CC is always welcome when facing Treasure Hoarders, so bring your Anemo units to gather up the mobs into one place.
Freeze is also effective to immobilize your enemies, so bring your Hydro and Cryo Units!
Chamber 3
Just defeat 3 enemies in each half.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
The Electro Cicin Mage and the Fatui Pyro Agent are the big fish, but it’s best to dodge their attacks while you take down the Treasure Hoarders.
If you go for the Fatui first, you’ll either end up continuously knocked back or Overloaded by the small fry.
Anemo units shine once again because all of them can be CC’d. Gather them into one place and unleash your ultimates to defeat them.
Shields will be very helpful at keeping your HP bars up here.
Floor 6
Leyline Disorder -
This floor is all about ultimate spamming, so Energy Recharge is the way to go! You might also want to consider Units with lower Ult Cooldowns.
Team Compositions -
F2P Team: Traveler (Anemo), Amber, Xiangling, Noelle - First Half
Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara, Diona - Second Half
Recommended Teams -
First Half -
Remember: 1 Main DPS, 2 Sub-DPSs, and 1 Support OR 1 Sub-DPS and 2 Supports.
Character Level -
Enemies will be level 60, so level your characters above level 60 while prioritizing the DPSs.
Benedictions -
Damage, ER, and Ultimate-related buffs would be ideal.
Chamber 1
Defeat 17 and 16 enemies in each half respectively.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
Prioritize the small fry before fighting the annoying Whopper flowers.
Take Pyro Units for the first half and Hydro Units for the second half.
All of these enemies can be CC’d, so Anemo shines once again!
Chamber 2
Defeat 26 and 27 enemies in each half respectively.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
For the First Half; utilize Pyro and/or Geo to break the Shields quicker, and prioritize the Hydro Samachurls because they can restore enemies' HP and get you wet!
For the Second Half; defeat the Dendro and Anemo Samachurls first, because Burning is a huge pain and bring some Hydro to take out the Pyro Slimes.
Chamber 3
Just defeat 6 and 9 enemies in each half respectively.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
For the first half, the Geo Samachurls will summon platforms if given enough time. Either use Geo or Claymores to destroy the Platforms, kill them before summoning or CC them.
Claymores or Geo are effective against the Stonehide Lawachurl’s Shield.
For the Second Half, use Hydro and/or Cryo to destroy your foes!
Floor 7
Leyline Disorder -
This is a floor that is all about Critical Hits. Take your Units with the highest Crit Rates and Crit Damage!
Team Compositions -
F2P Team: Traveler (Anemo), Amber, Xiangling, Noelle - First Half
Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara, Diona - Second Half
Recommended Teams -
First Half -
1 Main DPS, 2 Sub-DPSs, and 1 Support OR 1 Sub-DPS and 2 Supports!
Character Level -
Your enemies will be level 65, so get your characters above level 55. DPS Units are your priority.
Benedictions -
Any Damage or Crit buffs will work wonders!
Chamber 1
Defeat 5 enemies in each half.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
First half; defeat the Hydro-Gunner Legionnaire first because it can heal other enemies. Cryo and/or Electro are effective against them.
Use Pyro for the Cryo-Gunner Legionnaire and Cryo for the Electro-Hammer Vanguard to whittle down their Shields.
Second half; take out the Cryo-Gunner Legionnaires using Pyro first.
Afterward, move on to the Anemoboxer Vanguard and finally the Pyro-Slinger Bracer.
Chamber 2
Defeat 5 enemies in each half!
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
Geochanter Bracers produce a Geo Shield, so use Claymores or Geo to destroy them quicker.
First half; take out the Cryo-Gunner Legionnaires first as usual and move on to the Geochanterand Electro-Hammer Vanguard.
Second half; defeat the Pyro-Slinger Bracers first using Hydro.
Next, focus on the Anemoboxer Vanguard and Geochanters.
Chamber 3
Just defeat 3 enemies in each half.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
First half; prioritize the Hydro-Gunner Legionnaire first, because you don’t need it healing the others. Move onto the Electro-Hammer Vanguard using Cryo and then the Anemoboxer.
Second half; prioritize the Electro-Hammer Vanguard here because his Shield is very annoying. Next, up is the Pyro-Slinger Bracer using Hydro, and then the Anemoboxer.
Floor 8
Leyline Disorder -
This is a floor where you need to sustain some Damage, so take Units that deplete their own HP, some Shielders, and Characters who do very limited Healing.
Team Compositions -
F2P Team: Traveler (Anemo), Amber, Xiangling, Noelle - First Half
Kaeya, Lisa, Barbara, Diona - Second Half
Recommended Teams -
1 Main DPS, 2 Sub-DPSs, and 1 Support OR 1 Sub-DPS and 2 Supports; the usual.
Character Level -
Enemies will be level 70, so level your Units above level 70 as well. Give priority to the DPSs when leveling.
Benedictions -
Any Damage and low HP buffs will work wonders, but keep your team comp in mind!
Chamber 1
Defeat 2 enemies in each half.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
Defeat the Hydro Abyss Mage first using Electro or Cryo, because its Bubbles are a massive pain. Get rid of the Cryo Abyss Mage afterward using Pyro.
Use Hydro to destroy the Pyro Abyss Mage Shields quickly. Try to destroy both Shields, gather the two using CC and unleash your Ultimates on both enemies at once.
Chamber 2
You must defeat 13 enemies in each half.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
The Mechanical Device inflicts the Cryo and Pyro statuses on enemies in each half. Use Pyro to cause Melt in the First Half, and Hydro to cause Vaporize in the Second.
Prioritize the Ruin Guards by using Aimed Shots from Bow characters to immobilize them and then deal bucketloads of damage!
Chamber 3
Defeat 2 enemies.
Enemies -
First Half -
Second Half -
Always focus on attacking the Cores of the Regisvines.
Use Pyro against the Cryo Regisvine and Hydro against the Pyro Regisvine.
Once their cores are shattered, bombard them with your strongest attacks before they can recover. Aim to finish this one cycle!
We have now reached the end of this Spiral Abyss Guide, Traveller. Take good note of these Guidelines to level the Floors 3-8 of the Spiral Abyss with much more ease than before. We hope this article helped and we wish you the best of luck in Genshin Impact.
By the way, is there an enemy here that you hate? Yes, I do! I really hate abyss mages, especially Hydro abyss mages. When it comes on at the same time as Cryo Abyss Mage, it's a nightmare! When contained inside the bubble, it's as if they're laughing outside and pulling the rage levels right up! It has its moments of looking cute, but that doesn't stop me from continuing to hate it in the slightest. So, who is your least favorite monster?