Genshin Impact Cyno: Ascension Materials List

genshin impact cyno return

Hello Travelers~

The Genshin Impact version 3.5 "Windblume’s Breath" trailer reveals that Genshin Cyno will return in the next banner.

If you are a player who has been saving up for a long time or will be saving up for the Primogems, don't miss this date on March 1, 2023.


The first phase of the Genshin Impact 3.5 banner will see the return of the Electro 5-star Cyno in the Twilight Arbiter banner and the new Pyro 5-star character Dehya in the Auric Blaze banner.

This article will introduce the ascension materials that need to be prepared after pulling Cyno and how to find them.

Level Up Materials List


Enemy Drop
Local Specialty
1x Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
3x Divining Scroll
3x Scarab
3x Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
15x Divining Scroll
10x Scarab
2x Thunderclap Fruitcore
6x Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
12x Sealed Scroll
20x Scarab
4x Thunderclap Fruitcore
3x Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
18x Sealed Scroll
30x Scarab
8x Thunderclap Fruitcore
6x Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
12x Forbidden Curse Scroll
45x Scarab
12x Thunderclap Fruitcore
6x Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone
25x Forbidden Curse Scroll
60x Scarab
20x Thunderclap Fruitcore

Vajrada Amethyst Chunk


The Vajrada Amethysts can be obtained from multiple sources. For example, they can be obtained through daily commissions, parameter displacers, defeating bosses, etc. The fastest way to get them is from Electro Hypostasis, Thunder Manifestations, and Electro Regisvines.

Samachurl Scrolls

Divining Scrolls, Sealed Scrolls, and Forbidden Curse Scrolls are all common Ascension materials in Genshin Impact and can be obtained by defeating enemy Samachurls, a particular class of Hilichurls that can be found occupying spots in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma. Divining Scrolls is a general promotion material dropped by specific types of enemies, such as Hilichurls in Mondstadt and Liyue (especially Hilichur Archers and Hilichur Shooters), Liyue's Samachurls, and Fatui Skirmishers (especially the Electro Cicin Mages) in Liyue and Snezhnaya.

Sealed scrolls are dropped by Lv.40+ samachurls, such as Liyue's Mitakur (especially the Geo Mitachurls), Liyue's Hillikul (especially the Samachurls and the Geochanter Brutes) and Abyss Mages (especially the Geovishap Hatchlings) ) in the Spiral Abyss. In addition, they can also be obtained by completing certain quests or opening treasure chests.

Divining Scrolls and Sealed Scrolls are easier to obtain. At the same time, Forbidden Curse Scrolls are a rare ascension material that can only be obtained by defeating certain types of enemies in the Spiral Abyss. Scrolls are crucial to boosting Cyno, and you need to accumulate a lot of these drops if you want to level up to a higher level.



The tenacious Scarab which has a deep relationship with the ancient ruins has found a habitat in the vast desert sea of sand. Scarab Genshin is currently a rare specialty of the Great Red Sand Sea and one of Cyno's soaring materials. A total of 168 Scarabs are needed to ascend Cyno fully, and some of them are difficult to obtain, meaning this will be a very difficult task. But we've marked genshin scarab farming route, So hurry up and get moving!

The Genshin Scarab is walking around and will turn into a dung ball and even disappear into the sand, but will come out again after a while. Tighnari Genshin is the encyclopedia of the Sumeru Desert and can mark the location of the specialties on the mini-map, so if you happen to have one, it will be twice the work!

The best place to catch the Scarab is inside the Mausoleum of King Deshret. The underground area can be unlocked by completing the "Golden Slumber" and "Old Notes and New Friends" world quest series. As with other local specialties, Genshin Scarab’s respawn time takes 48 hours. This may require you to explore the desert a few times to collect all of them. Fortunately, the Scarab is currently the only character breakthrough material, if multiple characters need it, it will be quite a crash!

Thunderclap Fruitcore

Thunderclap Fruitcore is necessary for certain characters to unlock their true potential. You can obtain it by defeating a level 30+ Electro Regisvine boss located in a cave in Sumeru's Mawtiyima Forest. This boss looks a bit scary on the surface, but once you master the attack technique, it is quite easy to defeat it. Pyro and Dendro characters are good choices to fight it. After defeating it, a Trounce Blossom will suddenly appear, which costs 40 resins to open to get the Thunderclap Fruitcores and some other incidental rewards.

Talent Materials






3x Teachings of Admonition

6x Divining Scroll



2x Guide to Admonition

3x Sealed Scroll



4x Guide to Admonition

4x Sealed Scroll 



6x Guide to Admonition

6x Sealed Scroll




9x Guide to Admonition

9x Sealed Scroll



4x Philosophies of Admonition

4x Forbidden Curse Scroll

1x Mudra of the Malefic General



6x Philosophies of Admonition

6x Forbidden Curse Scroll

1x Mudra of the Malefic General



12x Philosophies of Admonition

9x Forbidden Curse Scroll

2x Mudra of the Malefic General



16x Philosophies of Admonition

12x Forbidden Curse Scroll

2x Mudra of the Malefic General


Talent Book

Genshin Cyno's talent upgrade uses the talent series Almonition. Currently, the Admonition series talent books can only be obtained by passing the Steeple of Ignorance domain on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.

Mudra of the Malefic General


Genshin Cyno's talent upgrade requires the Trounce material from Inazuma. The Mudra of the Malefic General is one of the drops from the Raiden Shogun boss, which can be found in the field below the Shrine of the Grand Narukami Shrine, defeating Raiden Shogun and spending resin to get the reward.

Crown of Insight

The Crown of Insight is a rare and valuable item among the Genshin Impact. It is used to maximize a character's talent level. There are two ways to obtain the Crown of Insight Genshin. It can be obtained from the Permanent Offering System and the Limited Time Event Shop. For example, it can be obtained by upgrading the Tree of Dreams, Sacred Sakura, Frostbearing Tree, and Lumenstone Adjuvant or by purchasing it from the Limited Time Event Store.

This is the full list of materials we have compiled to facilitate your to upgrade Cyno.


Genshin Cyno's banner is coming soon (I hope your wish will come true (>‿<)), either let him wait with you, this beautifully adorable General Mahamatra dress-up doll is now released, come and take him home. (. -̀ᴗ-)☆

Finally, good luck with your first draw!